TRIANGLE POSE (Utthita Trikonasana)

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Following up with our series of simple Standing asanas, here are the details of Triangle pose. Before starting, remember to let go of the ego which wants us to get deeper into the pose regardless of the alignment. Form, breath and awareness is of prime importance in any asana practice.

'Utthita' means 'extended'. 'Trikon' means 'triangle'.

GETTING INTO THE POSTURE: Keep your feet 3-4 feet apart. Place a block behind the heel of your right foot . Turn the right foot out at 90 degrees and turn the left toes inwards at about 45 degrees. Make sure the heel of the right foot is in line with the arch of the left foot. For a better alignment, press your right heel down on the mat and lift your toes up. Then tighten the right knee and flatten your foot on the mat again. Distribute the weight evenly between heels and balls of the feet. Rotate the muscles of the inner right thigh outward and you will feel the hips squaring up. Do not lock or hyper extend the knees. Keep the toes relaxed. 

Raise your arms parallel to the floor and in line with each other. Stretch the arms out from the back of the elbows. Inhale and lift your chest and exhale relax the shoulder blades and the back of the neck. Inhale, and as you exhale, drop the pelvis sideways to right. Place the right hand flat on the block or on the floor. Adjust your weight till there is more weight on the right heel and less on the right palm. Now raise your left arm up, palm facing the front. Bring it in line with the right arm so that both shoulders are stacked on each other. Inhale and rotate the entire left side (hip and shoulder) back so that the body is in one plane. Exhale turn the neck to turn the head to look up at the left fingers.

WHILE IN THE POSTURE: Once you are in the posture, relax you throat, jaw and eyes. Keep the outside of your left leg firm. Tuck in our buttocks and tailbone. The more you can feel the connection to the ground through your legs, the more you will be able to lengthen the spine and release the neck. Let the breath relax all the stretched muscles, in the feet, legs, hips, spine, arms, neck and face. Focus on the breath to and be aware of the asana in every muscle and every cell. Become one with the asana!!Hold it for 30 seconds to one minute while breathing evenly.

GETTING OUT OF THE POSTURE: Inhale and lift the right palm from the floor/block. Lift up the torso from the left arm by putting weight on the right foot. Straighten the torso. Exhale, bring the arms down. Repeat the same on the other side.

BENEFITS OF ASANA: Physical- Tones thighs and legs. Strengthens the spine and back. Alleviates backache. Opens up the shoulders and hips. Physiological- Improves digestion. Reduces menstrual discomfort.

CAUTION: Do not turn the neck to look up if you have high blood pressure or dizziness. Just look down. Do not raise the arm up if you have cardiac issues. Keep the hand on the hip.



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