For the next few days, I will be sharing with you (to the best of my present day knowledge) the correct alignment of some basic asanas. Its best to practice each asana mindfully, with eyes closed and using the ujjayi breath. I have been trying these simple asanas everyday and find amazing results( physical, physiological and psychological). In class, the students feel a huge difference when they are led verbally into each adjustment. After these seemingly little adjustments, every asana feels like meditation in motion! Simply complete and beautiful!!
Mountain Pose is the basis for the other standing poses. It teaches correct posture. Poor posture misaligns the body and with time becomes a source of many health problems.
Doing this pose with eyes closed brings awareness to how every breath aligns your body.
Stand with your feet together so the big toes are touching and heels are slightly apart. If you feel unsteady, separate the feet hip width apart. Let the arms hang freely at the side. Distribute your weight evenly on all four corners of the feet- heels, balls of the feet, inside and outside of the feet. Spread and lengthen your toes. Bring your attention to the knees and use the front thigh muscles to lift the kneecaps. Big toe, knee caps and thighs, should all be facing directly forward. A solid foundation gives a feeling of confidence and stability.
Now shift the focus up. Your pelvis is the main support of the spine. If you are aware of its correct position, you can maintain a healthy back. Balance the pelvis on the legs, neither tucking the tail bone nor overarching the back. Pelvic rim should be parallel to the floor.
Now shift the focus to extending your spine. Start with your feet and stretch the inner legs upward from the inner heels to the groins. Use the inhalation to do this. Feel the support of the abdomen. Continue to breathe and lengthen upward with every inhale. Relax the diaphram with every exhale.
Inhale, open your chest by slightly lifting it up as your spine lengthens upward. Exhale and drop your shoulders and relax the shoulder blades. Inhale lengthen the back of your neck. Exhale and relax your face, throat and eyes.
Hold the pose for about one minute while breathing softly and deeply. You should feel as solid as a mountain. Firm but free, as you feel each and every muscle and bone in its correct place.