Sivananda Style SURYA NAMASKAR.

Surya Namaskar is a set of 12 postures, preferably to be done at the time of sunrise. The regular practice of Surya Namaskar improves circulation of blood throughout the body, maintains health, and helps one remain disease-free. There are numerous benefits of Surya Namaskar for the heart, liver, intestine, stomach, chest, throat, legs. From head to toe, every part of the body is greatly benefitted by Surya Namaskar, which is why it is highly recommended by all yoga experts.

Postures act as a good link between warm-ups and asanas and can be done any time on an empty stomach. However, morning is considered to be the best time for Surya Namaskar as it revitalizes the body and refreshes the mind, making us ready to take on all tasks of the day. If done in the afternoon, it energizes the body instantly and if done at dusk, it helps you unwind. When done at a fast pace, Surya Namaskar is an excellent cardiovascular workout and a good way to lose weight.

It is best to practice 6-12 rounds of Sun Salutations everyday. Slowly build the strength and increase the number of rounds (up to even 108 rounds!). A regular practice is the key to deriving full physical and mental benefits from this exercise. Every day for 20 minutes is better than 1 hour occasionally.


Yogic breathing exercise to calm & balance the mind
