Besides the physical healing powers of yoga, the more amazing effect of yoga is the Emotional Healing!
Yoga teaches us to heal, to return home to our own nature.

How and Why?
Our true nature is to be loving. When we are hateful, we are not our real self. We become impulsive and send out negative thoughts which are destructive for us and others. Our body and mind separate and each does what it wants to.
However, when we practice yoga asanas consciously (not just physically), we unite our body & mind. The word "yoga" means "union" of body & mind. This union leads us to our true self- the loving self. We become one with ourselves and with everyone around us. 
That is the reason after a yoga class we feel quiet inside. There is an amazing lightness and a deep silence inside!
Any hateful or judgmental thoughts go away. With regular practice, we can make this feeling last for a longer time. We can experience this same feeling which we get right after the class throughout the day and slowly throughout the life!
Wow! what freedom and fearlessness...

After few years of conscious and mindful yoga practice everyday, I can now experience this wonderful feeling! Things or people which stirred up negative emotions, now seem to have almost zero effect. I am surprised at myself and feel blessed at this change. These situations are like a test for myself and the results just confirm my faith in yoga and its healing powers. Amazing!!!


Eightfold Path to Yoga
