Yoga for Low Back Pain

The common causes of low back pain are either stiffness in the ligaments or muscles of the lower back, or weak abdominal muscles. Poor posture and lack of exercise usually lead to tight and swollen back muscles, resulting in pain in this area. 

The following sequence of gentle stretches will ease off the pain:

1. Reclined Hip Stretch (Pavanmuktasana)- Lie down on your back with both the legs straight. Tuck the chin gently. Keeping the left leg straight, bend the right leg. Inhale. Exhale hug the right knee close to your chest. Keep the shoulders and neck relaxed. Inhale and as you exhale hug the knee closer to the chest. Keep the left leg stretched out and the thigh as flat on the mat as possible. Do not let the head tilt back. Hold for 10-20 seconds. Repeat the same on the other side.


2. Reclined Leg Stretch (Supta Padangusthasana)-  This stretch is done right after the previous stretch,starting from the right knee hugged to your chest. You can use a belt also. Wrap the belt around the sole of your right foot. Inhale and raise the right leg up until it is perpendicular to the floor. Press the left heel out and the left thigh flat on the mat. Do not allow the left leg to tilt out. With every breath keep pushing the right heel up and feel the stretch in the calf. Relax your face and neck. Hold for 20-30 seconds. Keep breathing!


3. Reclined twists- Stretch out the left leg. Bend the right knee. Bring the left hand on the outside of the right knee. Keep the right arm straight at shoulder level. Inhale. Exhale and twist from the waist to the left bringing the right knee to the left. Turn the head towards right. Keep both shoulders flat on the mat. Feel the stretch in the right side of the lower back. Keep breathing and hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds. Repeat the same on the other side.

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4. Child's pose (Adhomukha Virasana)- Kneel on the mat with your knees mat width apart. Touch the big toes behind you and let the heels fall apart. Inhale lift the spine up and relax the neck  Exhale bring the chest down while extending it forward. Rest the forehead on the mat. Relax the shoulders and neck. Inhale, push the hips back into the heels, to stretch the lower back. Exhale drop the chest towards the mat. Stretch your torso and hands forward. Keep your abdomen soft. Keep breathing deeply and relax into the pose. Hold for 30-60 seconds. 

5. Cat Cow pose- Please refer to the previous blog "Wrist problems- Pose modifications" for details.


6. Half dog at the wall- This is an easier version of Downward Dog (Adhomukha Svanasana). Stand facing a wall, about a foot away from the wall. Both feet are hip width apart. Place your hands on the wall, at shoulder height and shoulder width apart. Slowly start moving your feet back while extending the torso forward. Move back till the arms are straight. You are now at 90 degrees angle at the hip joint. The back is parallel to the floor. Create an upward lift from the knees to your hips. Relax your shoulders and neck. Feel the stretch in the lower back. Breathe and hold the stretch for 20 seconds. If this feels comfortable, you can do the full Downward Dog pose.

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7. Savasana- Relax in savasana (corpse pose) for 5 minutes. If the lower back hurts, place a rolled towel under the knees to take the pressure off the back.

Try this sequence of 7 stretches and notice how you feel after the practice and how you feel the next day. Your feedback is welcome!




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