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"Change the mind, and you can change the body."
– Swami Sivananda

Sunday, June 9, 16, 30

3 pm- 4 pm

$25 per session

This workshop is led by Manisha and Alycia.

The Headstand (Sirshasana in Sanskrit)—the king of asanas—is a posture that offers a wide range of physical, mental and emotional benefits.

Mastering the headstand requires no great strength. It is largely a matter of conquering fear and believing you can do it.

By reversing the normal effects of gravity, it rests the heart, aids circulation and relieves pressure on the lower back. A regular headstand practice helps to prevent back problems and improves memory and concentration. Inverting the body also deepens the breath, bringing a fresh supply of oxygen-rich blood to the brain. The key to balance is the tripod formed by elbows and hands.

This workshop will give you the opportunity to put any reservations aside, and allow you to work on your headstand in a safe and supportive environment. We will focus on correct alignment and look at the techniques for preparing, entering and holding the headstand. Designed to guide you gently and systematically through the eight steps giving you the tools and confidence to practice safely at home and in class.

Please consult your doctor to get permission if you have unmanaged high or low blood pressure, glaucoma, detached retina, recent eye surgery or a recent neck injury. This workshop is not advised for pregnant women.

June 8


June 9