4 hour workshop on:
Pranayama (Yogic Breathing),
Kriyas (Preparatory exercises for pranayama) and,
Mudras (Hand positions for pranayama).
Led by: Neeru Prashar.
Workshop Fee: $80
SUN YOGA presents another opportunity to learn from a highly knowledgeable and experienced traditional yoga teacher. Neeru is trained under the renowned yoga gurus at Kaivalyadham Institute in India and has incredible expertise in Pranayama.
If you have always wanted to add yogic breath work to your practice then this is just the right workshop for you! This authoritative training in Pranayama is firmly based on traditional texts and all teaching is as per Patanjali guidelines.
This opportunity is open to anyone who is interested in learning yogic breathing techniques to take their yoga practice to a deeper level and to improve the health of their body and mind. Prior yoga experience is helpful, but not a pre requisite for this workshop.
In this workshop you will learn:
-Different types of Pranayama as per Patanjali guidelines.
-Preparatory practices like Kriyas ( Shatkarma), Mudras and Asanas.
-Theory and practice of pranayama and understanding of
breathing mechanism from the perspective of nervous system.
-A take home progress sheet.
It has been proven that regular practice of Pranayama, along with a disciplined lifestyle, meditation and mind culturing techniques, helps in many psychosomatic disorders like: Migraine, Indigestion, Insomnia, Constipation, Hyper Acidity, Menstrual Disturbances. Skin Diseases, Anxiety & Depression, Musculature Disorders, etc.
Learn more about Neeru by clicking on this link: yogawithneeru.com