Difference between SVADHARMA and PARADHARMA.

As Krishna explains to Arjuna in Bhagvad Gita:

Svadharma: ‘Sva’ means ‘self’, ‘dharma’ means ‘to do our duty in whatever role with our spiritual nature and in service of God’.

When you focus on dharma in your context, it is called Svadharma.

Paradharma: ‘Para’ means ‘the other’. When you focus on dharma in another’s context, it is called Paradharma.

It’s better to do what YOU have been asked or destined to do imperfectly, rather than try to do what others have been asked or destined to do perfectly.

In short, MYOB!

Don’t worry about the inadequacy in your work; even fire is enveloped by smoke.


Who is watching you?


YOU and I do not have to judge each other