Ingredients: Unsalted Butter
Keep the butter at room temperature for an hour so that it gets softer.
Cut it into smaller pieces for even heating.
Transfer the butter to a clean dry heavy bottom pan.
Heat butter on medium flame stirring a little with the ladle until the contents have turned into liquid completely.
Reduce the flame to minimum. The water will start evaporating from the butter causing the liquid to foam and creating a spluttering sound.
The foam will separate out a little and you can see some yellow liquid in the middle. Watch carefully from now on.
The yellow liquid in the middle will turn to a golden brown. Soon, the bubbles will reduce greatly and the spluttering noise will begin to subside. Watch over. When you can hardly hear any spluttering noise and the liquid has turned into golden brown, switch off the flame.
Let it cool. The milk solids would have settled at the top and bottom of the pan.
Pass the contents through a filter and pour the liquid into the desired container. Your ghee is now ready. It will solidify with time, faster at cool temperatures and slower in the summer. Once it solidifies, it will turn yellow in color.
Ingredients: 1 cup almonds, 6 dates, 8 cardamoms
Soak the almonds overnight in water in a bowl.
Wash the almonds till clear water is left. I usually do not peel the almonds but if you want you may do that.
Take a blender (Vitamix works the best), put the soaked almonds and 4 cups water. The ratio is always 1:4. Blend the mixture for about 1 minute till its smooth and white .
Take a cheesecloth and put it over top of a bottle and strain the liquid mixture. You will have to squeeze the cheesecloth to take the remaining milk out of the pulp.
Keep the squeezed and semi dried pulp in a separate container.
Repeat till all liquid is strained and squeezed.
Put dates and cardamoms in the blender and put the almond milk back into the blender and blend them till smooth. Your sweet and flavorful almond milk is ready. Keep it in fridge right away.
Stir well before using the almond milk.
Ingredients: Left over above almond pulp from the cheese cloth, few chopped dates, handful of chopped pistachios, half tsp cardamom and cinnamon powder mixture, 2 tbsp brown/cane/any sugar, 1 tsp ghee
Take a non stick pan and melt ghee in it
Put almond pulp in pan and stir it with non stick spatula till the mixture dries up (about 5 minutes).
Put sugar and mix it well. Heat the mixture for 1-2 minutes.
Put the remaining ingredients and mix well.
Let the entire mixture cool.
Make 1” balls and keep it in fridge.
If you like you can add cocoa powder to the mixture also.
Enjoy them with tea or coffee! They make a great gift, which reflects thoughtfulness and your love for your friends’ health!