Some differences between Yoga as therapy and conventional medicine.


"The part can never be well unless the whole is well"- Plato.

Yoga is about holism and conventional medicine CM is about reductionism. The latter approach reduces the complexity of illness to one factor and then attacks it with a drug or surgery or a herb. No doubt, conventional medicine is a valuable tool in right circumstances but ideally it can be used as part of an overall holistic approach.

Some differences between the two therapies are:

1. Yoga is slower in onset. CM is faster in onset.

2. Effects of yoga tend to increase over time while effects of CM wane over time.

3. Yoga is less good at dealing with acute problems compared to CM.

4. Yoga is very good at dealing with chronic problems as compared to CM.

5. Yoga Side effects of yoga are often positive while CM has usually negative side effects.

6. Yoga is patient controlled. CM is doctor controlled.

7. According to yoga, health is defined as a high level of physical, emotional and spiritual well being. According to CM, health is absence of symptoms and signs of disease and normal lab tests.

One main reason yoga is such a powerful force to improve health is that YOU do it. A yoga teacher may help you get there but YOU need to do the work. A holistic therapy involves patients in their own care which empower you in ways that passively receiving drugs or surgery do not. 

So, get up and take active part in your own care and improve your health and how you feel !


Different types of yoga. What and for whom they are.


Jnana in Asana