Basic Yoga Asanas & their purpose
Yoga asanas cover the basic positions in the following sequence: inversions, lying down, sitting, back bends, twists and standing. Given below are the basic asanas. Variations can be added as students advance in their practice. For complete physical, mental and spiritual benefits, these asanas must be practiced in physical coordination with awareness and sincerity.
Inversions: Head stand (Sirsasana) is the king of all poses. Shoulder stand (Salamb Sarvangasana). Plough pose(Halasana).
Inversions bring a rejuvenating supply of blood to the brain. Regular practice of inversions widens your spiritual horizons as it enhances clarity of thought, increases concentration and memory. Inversions help those who get mentally exhausted easily.
Lying down: Fish (Matsyaasana). Bridge (Setubandhasana)
They reverse the stretch of shoulderstand by stretching the thoracic and lumbar regions of spine in opposite direction. Liver and spleen are regulated. Pituitary and pineal glands in brain are stimulated. Wide open chest in these poses increases lung capacity and relieves asthma.
Sitting: Forward Bend (Paschimotanasana). Hero Pose(Virasana).
Sitting poses improve digestion by massaging all abdominal viscera. The entire nervous system is invigorated. Spine becomes elastic and hamstrings, lumbar and sacral regions are stretched. As per Hatha Yoga Pradipika, this is the best asanas of all and removes all diseases.
Back bends :Bow (Dhanurasana). Cobra (Bhujangasana). Locust (Salabhasana)
Back bends help correct posture, increase lung capacity (relieves asthma), tone muscles of the back and spine, remove stiffness in shoulders and back. These bends are especially helpful for women as they tone the ovaries and uterus and help relieve menstrual problems.
Twists: Spinal Twist (Ardha Matseyendrasana)
Spinal twists help keep the spine elastic since each vertebra is rotated in both directions. The ligaments attached to nerve receive a rich supply of blood. Sympathetic nervous system is toned which has an aerobic effect on body- speeds up circulation, increase in heart rate and stimulates glucose release from liver.
Standing: Mountain pose (Tadasana). Traingle pose (Trikonasana), Standing forward bend(Pada Hastasana).
Standing poses reduce stress and boost self confidence. Perfect balance of the final posture increases the alertness. These poses activate the spine and hip joint, relieve backache and strengthen hamstrings and knees.