The 8 limbs of Ashtanga Yoga
"Asht" means 8 and "anga" means limbs. Ashtanga Yoga is the path of sytematic analysis and control of the mind. It was compiled by Patanjli Maharishi and is also known as Raja Yoga. These steps purify body and mind.
The 8 limbs are:
1. Yamas- Restraints
Ahimsa( non-violence), Satya (truthfulness), Brahmacharya (chastity), Asteya (non-stealing and lack of jealousy) , Aparigraha (non-hoarding or accepting bribes)
2. Niyama- Observances
Saucha (purity-external & internal), Santosha (contentment), Tapas (austerity), Swadhyaya (study of religious scriptures) , Surrender of ego.
3. Asana -Steady pose
A healthy and strong system is essential for any pursuit in life. Steady and a one pointed mind automatically leads to a steady body or a pose.
4. Pranayama- Control of vital energy
Control the breath/prana to control and balance the mind.
5. Pratyahara- Withdrawal of the senses from objects
6. Dharana- Concentration
Concentrating the mind upon either an external object or an internal idea to exclude all thoughts.
7. Dhyana- Meditation
Meditation is an unbroken flow of thought to exclude all sensual perception.
8. Samadhi- Super-conscious state
Samadhi transcends all ordinary, sensory experience as well as time and space. This final step happens effortlessly and is beyond all the usual states of waking, dreaming and sleeping.