Yoga for Children
"Be child like, not childish" - Swami Vishnudevananda, Hatha Yoga Guru.
A kid's innocence, fearlessness and absence of ego, inspires me and makes me love them so much! It is my dream to teach yoga just to children , in schools, recreational facilities or at my yoga studio.
I believe it will happen, some day...
As a kid, I remember doing yoga and especially meditation, with my Dad. A small seed was planted in my mind, which has grown and led me to practice and teach yoga today! He also introduced meditation to my children, and they use this tool to relax themselves when stressed.
Starting yoga when young, gives children an excellent foundation in life. Since their bodies are flexible and they have no ego, kids adopt to postures far easily than adults. A good yoga teacher should help them to get into the correct position, but take care not to force their body into a pose, as their bones and muscles are still growing. Most children love to mimic and if they see a parent or a friend do yoga regularly, they will probably want to join in! However, never let children feel that yoga is an entertainment. They should learn and realize early, that is another form of exercise which is good for their body and mind both.
The only problem with children is concentration. But if they are interested in something, they concentrate amazingly well. Children can start yoga at any age. All asanans are good for them. However, head stand should not be done till about 12 years of age as their body is still developing.
1. Meditation and Pranayama (breathing exercises) help improve their concentration and show a great improvement in their school work. ids can meditate for 3-5 minutes everyday. Set a fixed time and place for their meditation.
2. It helps build up their self-esteem and confidence which has proven to help improve group interaction at school and in other social surroundings.
3. Yoga helps during the onset of puberty- physically, emotionally and psychologically.
4. When practiced regularly, breathing and meditation develop their intuition.
5. Helps in stress management and makes kids see life as a game and not a struggle.
6. Yoga has been proven to help children do better in other sports activities since it improves their breathing, flexibility, balance and concentration.
7. Yoga has been proven to help children with Attention Defecit Disorder (ADD) and Autism.
Overall, it gives a higher purpose to life. As parents and teachers, let these children, who will shape the future world, become better and more balanced adults.
Yoga shows the way...